I would bet that the one thing that moms worry about the most when it comes to their family’s portrait session (aside from what she’ll wear) is whether or not her children will behave enough for their photographer to get some “good” photos, or whether they will turn feral and ruin the whole session (and in turn, their family’s investment).
I get it. Really!
And remember- I have the luxury of having two different perspectives. One being that of a mother of two children- (one being extremely pig-headed, argumentative, maddening “strong-willed” ) and the other perspective being that of a family photographer. So I’ve been both behind and in front of the camer, and I really do know how moms and dads feel during family pictures…
Excited to see what gorgeous images are made of their loved ones… Nervous that things won’t turn out…. Hopeful that their kids will be sweet so they can enjoy things…. Worried that they won’t.
So, since I am now behind the camera, doing my best to create those gorgeous images for you, here’s what I want to share with you!
1. Find a photographer that not only has experience with children, but ENJOYS working with them! And then trust them to guide the session.
And by that, I mean you have to LET them “take over” the chaos and allow them to give directions and guidance to your children. So, if you’re thinking, “Wait… should I not even say anything if my children start acting up? Or start being silly/crazy/grumpy/uncooperative?
YEP. That’s exactly what I’m saying. And there are a couple of reasons:
I can’t tell you how often well-meaning parents look down at their children to tell them to stop fidgeting/wiggling/making faces, etc. and when I capture that PERFECT expression of their sweet kiddos, it’s Mom or Dad who has the weird face! Never fails! 😆
So, really- don’t worry about what your kids are doing- give your photographer the space to guide them and direct them himself/herself…
Kids will be more likely to listen better to your photographer anyway! (You know how that goes, right? (Just like how they’re angels for their teachers at school but then their devil horns come out at home!) 😆
Plus, too many voices at once is simply sensory overload. Let your photographer’s voice be the one your child hears and listens to- they’re the artist who knows what’s needed for an amazing photo!
2. If your child is having a meltdown- just give them space.
Yes, I expect a meltdown every now and then at a session! And guess what? Contrary to what moms and dads feel (i know because I’ve been there!) It’s really not a big deal. And it NEVER ruins a session.
The most important thing that I can do with kiddos who need a minute to collect their emotions is to literally give them space to do so. And I encourage Moms and Dads to do the same! After an upset child a quiet minute to settle down, what they need from mom or dad is most often just a loving hug. They’ll join us when they’re ready (which is never long) and I’ll make sure to gently bring them back into the fold and help them start having fun again!
3. Remember, your family portrait session should be fun!
Well, I suppose other more “traditional” (i.e. stuffy) photographers might disagree, but the portraits I make for my families show smiles, giggles, laughter, silliness, loving embraces, and everything that I think is most important about growing families.
And you can’t really have much fun if you’re stressed. Or annoyed by your children’s shenanigans. (Not only will it show on your faces, it will dampen the mood of everyone!) So relax, Mom and Dad. For real! I got this! 😉
Wondering what to wear for your family’s portrait session? Check out my tips here!